En cas de symptômes, les patients sont priés de porter un masque lors de leur venue au cabinet médical.

Publications scientifiques

Score SIGAPS = 629
Scopus h-Index = 30

Publications internationales Publications françaises OuvragesRevues nationales et revues de presse


  1. Soomro MH, Baiz N, Huel G, Yazbeck C, Botton J, Heude B, Bornehag CG, Annesi-Maesano I; EDEN mother-child cohort study group. Exposure to heavy metals during pregnancy related to gestational diabetes mellitus in diabetes-free mothers. Sci Total Environ 2019; 656:870-876.
  2. Agarwal A, Parekh N, Panner Selvam MK, Henkel R, Shah R, Homa ST, Ramasamy R, Ko E, Tremellen K, Esteves S, Majzoub A, Alvarez JG, Gardner DK, Jayasena CN, Ramsay JW, Cho CL, Saleh R, Sakkas D, Hotaling JM, Lundy SD, Vij S, Marmar J, Gosalvez J, Sabanegh E, Park HJ, Zini A, Kavoussi P, Micic S, Smith R, Busetto GM, Bakırcıoğlu ME, Haidl G, Balercia G, Puchalt NG, Ben-Khalifa M, Tadros N, Kirkman-Browne J, Moskovtsev S, Huang X, Borges E, Franken D, Bar-Chama N, Morimoto Y, Tomita K, Srini VS, Ombelet W, Baldi E, Muratori M, Yumura Y, La Vignera S, Kosgi R, Martinez MP, Evenson DP, Zylbersztejn DS, Roque M, Cocuzza M, Vieira M, Ben-Meir A, Orvieto R, Levitas E, Wiser A, Arafa M, Malhotra V, Parekattil SJ, Elbardisi H, Carvalho L, Dada R, Sifer C, Talwar P, Gudeloglu A, Mahmoud AMA, Terras K, Yazbeck C, Nebojsa B, Durairajanayagam D, Mounir A, Kahn LG, Baskaran S, Pai RD, Paoli D, Leisegang K, Moein MR, Malik S, Yaman O, Samanta L, Bayane F, Jindal SK, Kendirci M, Altay B, Perovic D, Harlev A. Male Oxidative Stress Infertility (MOSI): Proposed Terminology and Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Idiopathic Male Infertility. World J Mens Health 2019; 37(3):296-312.
  3. Stora C, Epelboin S, Devouche E, Matheron S, Epelboin L, Yazbeck C, Damond F, Longuet P, Dzineku F, Rajguru M, Delaroche L, Mandelbrot L, Luton D, Patrat C. Women infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 have poorer assisted reproduction outcomes: a case-control study. Fertil Steril. 2016; 105(5): 1193-201.
  4. Audebert A, Pouly JL, Bonifacie B, Yazbeck C. Laparoscopic surgery for distal tubal occlusions: lessons learned from a historical series of 434 cases. Fertil Steril. 2014; 102(4): 1203-8
  5. Mansour W, Lemoine M, Neri Pinto F, Llabador de Royer MA, Le Gal F, Yazbeck C, Patrat C, Gordien E. Markers of hepatitis delta virus infection can be detected in follicular fluid and semen. J Clin Virol. 2014; 61(2): 279-81.
  6. Uzan J, Koskas M, Fournier P, Margulies AL, Luton D, Yazbeck C. Colouterine fistula after polymyomectomy: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014; 8: 199.
  7. Gonthier C, Walker F, Luton D, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P, Koskas M. Impact of obesity on the results of fertility-sparing management for atypical hyperplasia and grade 1 endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol. 2014; 133: 33-7.
  8. Ferraretto X, Estellat C, Damond F, Longuet P, Epelboin S, Demailly P, Yazbeck C, Llabador MA, Pasquet B, Yazdanpanah Y, Matheron S, Patrat C. Timing of intermittent seminal HIV-1 RNA shedding in patients with undetectable plasma viral load under combination antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One. 2014; 9(3):e88922.
  9. Rossi L, Palazzo L, Yazbeck C, Walker F, Chis C, Luton D, Koskas M. Can rectal endoscopic sonography predict infiltration depth in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis of the rectum? Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2014; 43(3): 322-7.
  10. Omnes S, Jondeau G, Detaint D, Dumont A, Yazbeck C, Guglielminotti J, Luton D, Azria E. Pregnancy outcomes among women with Marfan syndrome. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2013; 122(3): 219-23.
  11. Delaroche L, Yazbeck C, Gout C, Kahn V, Oger P, Rougier N. Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) after repeated IVF or ICSI failures: a prospective comparative study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Mar; 167:76-80.
  12. Menai M, Heude B, Slama R, Forhan A, Sahuquillo J, Charles MA, Yazbeck C. Association between maternal blood cadmium during pregnancy and birth weight and the risk of fetal growth restriction : the EDEN mother-child cohort study. Reprod Toxicol 2012; 34:622-7.
  13. Gauché-Cazalis C, Koskas M, Cohen-Scali S, Luton D, Yazbeck C. Endometriosis and implantation : Myths and facts. Middle East Fertil Society J 2012; 17:79-81.
  14. Poncelet C, Ducarme G, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P, Carbonnel M. Safety of transient abdominal ovariopexy in patients with severe endometriosis. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2012 ; 118(2):120-2.
  15. Koskas M, Azria E, Walker F, Luton D, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C. Progestin treatment of atypical hyperplasia and well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the endometrium to preserve fertility. Anticancer Res 2012 ; 32(3):1037-43.
  16. Cassuto NG, Hazout A, Balet R, Mahmoud I, Bouret D, Barak Y, Jellad S, Plouchart JM, Selva J, Yazbeck C. Correlation between DNA defect and sperm head morphology.Reprod BioMed Online 2011 ; 24(2):211-8.
  17. Douay-Hauser N, Koskas M, Walker F, Luton D, Yazbeck C.Diagnosis and management of an immature teratoma during ovarian stimulation: a case report.J Med Case Reports 2011 ; 5:540.
  18. Yazbeck C, Jamaa NB, Hazout A, Cohen-Bacrie P, Junca AM, Rougier N. Advantages of the two-step embryo transfer strategy in human IVF/ICSI cycles. Zygote 2011 ; 6:1-7.
  19. Yazbeck C. Elective single embryo transfer for all patients? Middle East Fertil Society J 2011; 16:182-8.
  20. Koskas M, Yazbeck C, Walker F, Clouqueur E, Agostini A, Ruat S, Lucot JP, Lambaudie E, Luton D, Madelenat P.Fertility-sparing management of Grade 2 and 3 endometrial adenocarcinomas. Anticancer Res 2011; 31(9): 3047-9.
  21. Douay N, Yazbeck C, Walker F, Luton D, Madelenat P, Koskas M. Infertile women with deep and intraperitoneal endometriosis: comparison of fertility outcome according to the extent of surgery. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2011; 18(5):622-8.
  22. Oger P, Yazbeck C, Gervais A, Dorphin B, Gout C, Jacquesson L, Ayel JP, Kahn V, Rougier N. Adverse effects of hepatitis B virus on sperm motility and fertilization ability during IVF. Reprod Biomed Online 2011; 23(2):207-12.
  23. Carbonnel M, Ducarme G, Dessapt AL, Yazbeck C, Hugues JN, Madelenat P, Poncelet C.Efficacy of transient abdominal ovariopexy in patients with severe endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011; 155(2):183-7.
  24. Kondo W, Daraï E, Yazbeck C, Panel P, Tamburro S, Dubuisson J, Jardon K, Mage G, Madelenat P, Canis M. Do patients manage to achieve pregnancy after a major complication of deeply infiltrating endometriosis resection? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011; 154(2):196-9.
  25. Poncelet C, Fauvet R, Yazbeck C, Coutant C, Darai E. Impact of serum tumor marker determination on the management of women with borderline ovarian tumors: multivariate analysis of a French multicentre study. Eur J Surg Oncol 2010 ; 36(11):1066-72.
  26. Frainais C, Vialard F, Rougier N, Aegerther P, Damond F, Ayel JP, Yazbeck C, Hazout A, Selva J. Impact of freezing/thawing technique on sperm DNA integrity in HIV-1 patients. J Assist Reprod Genet 2010; 27(7):415-21.
  27. Koskas M, Mergui JL, Yazbeck C, Uzan S, Nizard J. Office hysteroscopy for infertility: a series of 557 consecutive cases. Obstet Gynecol Int 2010; 2010: 168096.
  28. Yazbeck C. Letter to the editor. Response to Kumbak et al. Reprod Biomed Online 2010; 20:164.
  29. Koskas M, Morice P, Yazbeck C, Duvillard P, Walker F, Madelenat P. Conservative management of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma followed by pregnancy and severe recurrence. Anticancer Res 2009; 29: 4147-50.
  1. Yazbeck C, Thiebaugeorges O,Moreau T, Goua V,Debotte G,Sahuquillo J, Forhan A, Foliguet B, Magnin G, Charles MA, Slama R, Huel G. Maternal blood lead levels and the risk of pregnancy induced hypertension. The “Eden” cohort study. Environ Health Perspectives 2009; 117:1526-30.
  2. Yazbeck C, Madelenat P, Ayel JP, Jacquesson L, Bontoux LM, Solal P, Hazout A. Ethanol sclerotherapy: a treatment option for ovarian endometriomas before controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Reprod Biomed Online 2009; 19:121-5.
  3. Mongardon N, Servin F, Perrin M, Bedairia E, Retout S, Yazbeck C, Faucher Ph, Montravers Ph, Desmonts JM, Guglielminotti J. Predicted propofol effect-site concentration for induction and emergence of anesthesia during early pregnancy. Anesth Analg 2009; 109:90-5.
  4. Tohic AL, Dhainaut C, Yazbeck C, Hallais C, Levin I, Madelenat P. Hysterectomy for benign uterine pathology among women without previous vaginal delivery. Obstet Gynecol 2008; 111(4): 829-37.
  5. Fayad F, Roby-Brami A, Yazbeck C, Hanneton S, Lefevre-Colau MM, Gautheron V, Poiraudeau S, Revel M. Three-dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder. J Biomech 2008; 41(2): 326-32.
  6. Fayad F, Hoffmann G, Hanneton S, Yazbeck C, Lefevre-Colau MM, Poiraudeau S, Revel M, Roby-Brami A. 3-D scapular kinematics during arm elevation: Effect of motion velocity. Clin Biomech 2006; 21: 932-41.
  7. Yazbeck C, Moreau T, Sahuquillo J, Takser L, Huel G. Effect of maternal manganese blood levels on erythrocyte calcium-pump activity in newborns. Sci Total Environ 2006; 354(1): 28-34.
  8. Yazbeck C, Poncelet C, Chosidow D, Madelenat P. Primary adenocarcinoma arising from endometriosis of the rectovaginal septum: a case report. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2005; 15(6): 1203-5.
  9. Yazbeck C, Kloppmann W, Cottier R, Sahuquillo J, Debotte G, Huel G. Health Impact Evaluation of Boron in Drinking Water : A Geographical Risk Assessment in Northern France. Environ Geochem Health 2005; 27(5-6):419-27.
  10. Badawi-Fayad J, Yazbeck C, Balzeau A, Nguyen TH, Istoc A, Grimaud-Herve D, Cabanis EA. Multi-detector row CT scanning in Paleoanthropology at various tube current settings and scanning mode. Surg Radiol Anat 2005; 27(6): 536-43.
  11. Ansquer Y, Marcollet A, Yazbeck C, Salomon L, Poncelet C, Thoury A, Dhainaut C, Madelenat P. The suburethral sling for female stress urinary incontinence: a retropubic or obturator approach? J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 2004; 11(3): 353-8.
  12. Huel G, Yazbeck C, Burnel D, Missy P, Kloppmann W. Environmental Boron Exposure and Activity of {delta}-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALA-D) in a Newborn Population. Toxicol Sci. 2004; 80(2): 304-309.
  13. Badawi-Fayad J, Levy JC, Yazbeck C, Cavezian R, Cabanis EA. Eruption of third molars : relation to inclination of adjacent molars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2004; 125(2): 200-2.
  14. Yazbeck C, Aboujaoude R, Abboud J. Delayed delivery in a triplet pregnancy. J Med Liban 2003; 51(4):216-20.
  15. Yazbeck C, Attieh E, Abou jaoude R, Breidy C, Abboud J. TVT et incontinence urinaire d’effort chez la femme. JML 2002; 50 (1-2): 26-31.
  16. Attieh E, Yazbeck C, A.Tayeh G, Abboud J. Le traitement chirurgical radical du cancer épidermoïde de la vulve. JML 2000; 48 (3): 147-151.
  17. Yazbeck C. Too many intrauterine inseminations in France? Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2021; 49(4):223-224
  18. Tournoud C, Capaldo L, Garnier R, Gnansia E, Jarreau P, Moesch C, Nisse P, Quénel P, Yazbeck C, Labadie M. Guidelines for pregnant women and their unborn children exposed to methylmercury. Recommendations of the French Society of Clinical Toxicology associated with the French Society of Analytical Toxicology, the French Society of Public Health, the French Society of Environnmental Health, the French Society of Pediatrics, the French Society of Neonatalogy, the National College of Obstetrician Gynecologists. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2021; 49(4):225-238.
  19. Delaroche L, Dupont C, Oger P, Aubriot FX, Lamazou F, Yazbeck C. Polycystic ovary syndrome does not affect blastulation nor cumulative live birth rates.  Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2019; 47(9):655-661.
  20. Collinet P, Fritel X, Revel-Delhom C, … , Yazbeck C, Bourdel N, Canis M. Management of endometriosis: CNGOF/HAS clinical practice guidelines (sv). J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 Sep;47(7):265-274.
  21. Lepage J, Keromnes G, Epelboin S, Luton D, Yazbeck C. Premature progesterone rise on day of hCG negatively correlated with live birth rate in IVF cycles: An analysis of 1022 cycles. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 May 18. pii: S2468-7847.
  22. Collinet P, Fritel X, Revel-Delhom C, … , Wattier JM, Yazbeck C, Canis M. Management of endometriosis: CNGOF-HAS practice guidelines (sv). Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):144-155.
  23. Roman H, Ballester M, Loriau J, Canis M, Bolze PA, Niro J, Ploteau S, Rubod C, Yazbeck C, Collinet P, Rabischong B, Merlot B, Fritel X. Strategies and surgical management of endometriosis: CNGOF-HAS Endometriosis Guidelines. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):326-330.
  24. Rubod C, Jean Dit Gautier E, Yazbeck C. Surgical management of endometrioma: Different alternatives in term of pain, fertility and recurrence. CNGOF-HAS Endometriosis Guidelines. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):278-289.
  25. Yazbeck C. Are we heading towards a « freeze all for all » strategy? Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018;46(2):63-64.
  26. Yazbeck C. Cellules souches autologues en thérapie endométriale : espoir ou illusion ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2016 ; 44 : 616–617.
  27. Yazbeck C, Falcone S, Ballout A, Gauché-Cazalis C, Epelboin S, Patrat C, Luton D. An update on adenomyosis and implantation. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015; 43(10): 665-9.
  28. Yazbeck C. Endometrioma and assisted reproductive technologies (ART): trends. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2013; 41(7-8): 417-8.
  29. Gauche Cazalis C, Koskas M, Martin B, Palazzo L, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C.Preoperative imaging of deeply infiltrating endometriosis in: Transvaginal sonography, rectal endoscopic sonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2012; 40(11): 634-41.
  30. Yazbeck C, Koskas M, Cohen-Scali S, Kahn V, Luton D, Madelenat P. How I do … Ethanol sclerotherapy for ovarian endometriomas. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2012; 40(10): 620-2.
  31. Koskas M, Yazbeck C, Walker F, Delorme P, Azria E, Luton D, Madelenat P. Fertility sparing management of endometrial adenocarcinoma and atypical hyperplasia: a literature review. Bull Cancer. 2012; 99(1): 51-60.
  32. Pouly JL, Darai E, Yazbeck C, Benifla JL, Dechaud H, Wattiez A, Crowe A, Audebert A.Postoperative abdominal adhesions and their prevention in gynaecological surgery: II. How can they be prevented? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 40(7-8): 419-28.
  33. Audebert A, Darai E, Bénifla JL, Yazbeck C, Déchaud H, Wattiez A, Crowe A, Pouly JL. Postoperative abdominal adhesions and their prevention in gynaecological surgery: I. What should you know? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 40(6): 365-70.
  34. Gout C, Rougier N, Oger P, Dorphin B, Kahn V, Jacquesson L, Ayel JP, Yazbeck C. Assisted Reproductive Technologies in HIV patients: A comprehensive review of indications, techniques and results. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 39(12): 704-8.
  35. Yazbeck C, Fauconnier A, Pouly JL. Reproductive surgery. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2010; 39: S75-87.
  36. Chauvin C, Koskas M, Yazbeck C. Salpingectomy – How I do it. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2010; 38(12): 776-7.
  37. Yazbeck C, Le Tohic A, Koskas M, Madelenat P. Diagnostic laparoscopy in current fertility practice: Pros. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2010; 38(6): 424-7. 
  38. Koskas M, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C. Ovarian low malignant potential tumor : How to preserve fertility ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009; 37(11-12): 942-50.
  39. Le Tohic A, Chis C, Yazbeck C, Koskas M, Madelenat P, Panel P. Bladder endometriosis: Diagnosis and treatment. A series of 24 patients. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2009; 37(3): 216-221.
  40. Benbara A, Fortin A, Martin B, Palazzo L, Le Tohic A, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C. Surgical and functional results of colorectal resection for severe endometriosis. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008; 36(12): 1191-201.
  41. Hazout A, Menezo Y, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C, Selva J, Cohen-Bacrie P. Causes and clinical implications of sperm DNA damages. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008; 36(11): 1109-17.
  42. Carbonnel M, Le Tohic A, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P.Vaginal or laparoscopic assisted vaginal myomectomy: Interest of the double way. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(10): 998-1004.
  43. Rathat G, Yazbeck C, Ebrard M, Guglielminotti J, Levin I, Madelenat P. Surgical treatment for genital prolapse in the very elderly: A continuous series of 43 patients. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(7-8): 743-47.
  44. Guillot E, Omnes S, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P & Groupe HTA. Endometrial ablation using hydrothermablator: results of a French multicenter study. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(1): 45-50.
  45. Yazbeck C, Cheymol J, Dandres AM, Barbéry-Courcoux AL. Lead exposure in pregnant women and newborns: A screening update. Arch Pediatr 2007; 14: 15-19.
  46. Yazbeck C, Omnes S, Vacher-Lavenu MC, Madelenat P. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding: a French multicenter study. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34: 906-13.   
  47. Yazbeck C, Madelenat P, Sifer C, Hazout A, Poncelet C. Ovarian Endometriomas: Effect of Laparoscopic Cystectomy on Ovarian Response in IVF-ET Cycles. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34: 808-12.
  48. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Benifla JL, Thoury A, Madelenat P. Hystéroscopie diagnostique et risque de contamination péritonéale par les cellules tumorales. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2005; 33(4):247-52.
  49. Yazbeck C. Lettre à la rédaction. Réponse au courrier de R-C Rudigoz. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(6): 576-7.
  50. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Thoury A, Madelenat P. Traitement médical de l’incontinence urinaire d’effort : état de la situation. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(6): 556-561.
  51. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Thoury A, Driguez P, Madelenat P. Traitement conservateur du cancer et des hyperplasies atypiques de l’endomètre.Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(5): 433-441.
  52. Yazbeck C. La fonction érotique après hystérectomie. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(1): 49-54.
  53. Yazbeck C, Poncelet C, Crequat J, Madelenat P. Intérêt de l’échographie endovaginale préopératoire dans l’évaluation de l’infiltration myométriale des adénocarcinomes de l’endomètre. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2003; 31(12): 1024-1029.
  54. Attieh E, Jaoude RA, Yazbeck C, Mansour F, Abboud J. Corrélations anatomo-cliniques de l’endométriose. Contracept Fertil Sex 1999; 27(12): 861-6.


  1. Yazbeck C. Too many intrauterine inseminations in France? Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2021; 49(4):223-224
  2. Tournoud C, Capaldo L, Garnier R, Gnansia E, Jarreau P, Moesch C, Nisse P, Quénel P, Yazbeck C, Labadie M. Guidelines for pregnant women and their unborn children exposed to methylmercury. Recommendations of the French Society of Clinical Toxicology associated with the French Society of Analytical Toxicology, the French Society of Public Health, the French Society of Environnmental Health, the French Society of Pediatrics, the French Society of Neonatalogy, the National College of Obstetrician Gynecologists. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2021; 49(4):225-238.
  3. Delaroche L, Dupont C, Oger P, Aubriot FX, Lamazou F, Yazbeck C. Polycystic ovary syndrome does not affect blastulation nor cumulative live birth rates.  Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol 2019; 47(9):655-661.
  4. Collinet P, Fritel X, Revel-Delhom C, … , Yazbeck C, Bourdel N, Canis M. Management of endometriosis: CNGOF/HAS clinical practice guidelines (sv). J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 Sep;47(7):265-274.
  5. Lepage J, Keromnes G, Epelboin S, Luton D, Yazbeck C. Premature progesterone rise on day of hCG negatively correlated with live birth rate in IVF cycles: An analysis of 1022 cycles. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018 May 18. pii: S2468-7847.
  6. Collinet P, Fritel X, Revel-Delhom C, … , Wattier JM, Yazbeck C, Canis M. Management of endometriosis: CNGOF-HAS practice guidelines (sv). Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):144-155.
  7. Roman H, Ballester M, Loriau J, Canis M, Bolze PA, Niro J, Ploteau S, Rubod C, Yazbeck C, Collinet P, Rabischong B, Merlot B, Fritel X. Strategies and surgical management of endometriosis: CNGOF-HAS Endometriosis Guidelines. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):326-330.
  8. Rubod C, Jean Dit Gautier E, Yazbeck C. Surgical management of endometrioma: Different alternatives in term of pain, fertility and recurrence. CNGOF-HAS Endometriosis Guidelines. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018; 46(3):278-289.
  9. Yazbeck C. Are we heading towards a « freeze all for all » strategy? Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2018;46(2):63-64.
  10. Yazbeck C. Cellules souches autologues en thérapie endométriale : espoir ou illusion ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2016 ; 44 : 616–617.
  11. Yazbeck C, Falcone S, Ballout A, Gauché-Cazalis C, Epelboin S, Patrat C, Luton D. An update on adenomyosis and implantation. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015; 43(10): 665-9.
  12. Yazbeck C. Endometrioma and assisted reproductive technologies (ART): trends. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2013; 41(7-8): 417-8.
  13. Gauche Cazalis C, Koskas M, Martin B, Palazzo L, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C.Preoperative imaging of deeply infiltrating endometriosis in: Transvaginal sonography, rectal endoscopic sonography and magnetic resonance imaging. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2012; 40(11): 634-41.
  14. Yazbeck C, Koskas M, Cohen-Scali S, Kahn V, Luton D, Madelenat P. How I do … Ethanol sclerotherapy for ovarian endometriomas. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2012; 40(10): 620-2.
  15. Koskas M, Yazbeck C, Walker F, Delorme P, Azria E, Luton D, Madelenat P. Fertility sparing management of endometrial adenocarcinoma and atypical hyperplasia: a literature review. Bull Cancer. 2012; 99(1): 51-60.
  16. Pouly JL, Darai E, Yazbeck C, Benifla JL, Dechaud H, Wattiez A, Crowe A, Audebert A.Postoperative abdominal adhesions and their prevention in gynaecological surgery: II. How can they be prevented? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 40(7-8): 419-28.
  17. Audebert A, Darai E, Bénifla JL, Yazbeck C, Déchaud H, Wattiez A, Crowe A, Pouly JL. Postoperative abdominal adhesions and their prevention in gynaecological surgery: I. What should you know? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 40(6): 365-70.
  18. Gout C, Rougier N, Oger P, Dorphin B, Kahn V, Jacquesson L, Ayel JP, Yazbeck C. Assisted Reproductive Technologies in HIV patients: A comprehensive review of indications, techniques and results. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2011; 39(12): 704-8.
  19. Yazbeck C, Fauconnier A, Pouly JL. Reproductive surgery. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2010; 39: S75-87.
  20. Chauvin C, Koskas M, Yazbeck C. Salpingectomy – How I do it. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2010; 38(12): 776-7.
  21. Yazbeck C, Le Tohic A, Koskas M, Madelenat P. Diagnostic laparoscopy in current fertility practice: Pros. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2010; 38(6): 424-7. 
  22. Koskas M, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C. Ovarian low malignant potential tumor : How to preserve fertility ? Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009; 37(11-12): 942-50.
  1. Le Tohic A, Chis C, Yazbeck C, Koskas M, Madelenat P, Panel P. Bladder endometriosis: Diagnosis and treatment. A series of 24 patients. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2009; 37(3): 216-221.
  2. Benbara A, Fortin A, Martin B, Palazzo L, Le Tohic A, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C. Surgical and functional results of colorectal resection for severe endometriosis. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008; 36(12): 1191-201.
  3. Hazout A, Menezo Y, Madelenat P, Yazbeck C, Selva J, Cohen-Bacrie P. Causes and clinical implications of sperm DNA damages. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008; 36(11): 1109-17.
  4. Carbonnel M, Le Tohic A, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P.Vaginal or laparoscopic assisted vaginal myomectomy: Interest of the double way. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(10): 998-1004.
  5. Rathat G, Yazbeck C, Ebrard M, Guglielminotti J, Levin I, Madelenat P. Surgical treatment for genital prolapse in the very elderly: A continuous series of 43 patients. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(7-8): 743-47.
  6. Guillot E, Omnes S, Yazbeck C, Madelenat P & Groupe HTA. Endometrial ablation using hydrothermablator: results of a French multicenter study. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2008; 36(1): 45-50.
  7. Yazbeck C, Cheymol J, Dandres AM, Barbéry-Courcoux AL. Lead exposure in pregnant women and newborns: A screening update. Arch Pediatr 2007; 14: 15-19.
  8. Yazbeck C, Omnes S, Vacher-Lavenu MC, Madelenat P. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding: a French multicenter study. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34: 906-13.   
  9. Yazbeck C, Madelenat P, Sifer C, Hazout A, Poncelet C. Ovarian Endometriomas: Effect of Laparoscopic Cystectomy on Ovarian Response in IVF-ET Cycles. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2006; 34: 808-12.
  10. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Benifla JL, Thoury A, Madelenat P. Hystéroscopie diagnostique et risque de contamination péritonéale par les cellules tumorales. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2005; 33(4):247-52.
  11. Yazbeck C. Lettre à la rédaction. Réponse au courrier de R-C Rudigoz. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(6): 576-7.
  12. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Thoury A, Madelenat P. Traitement médical de l’incontinence urinaire d’effort : état de la situation. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(6): 556-561.
  13. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Thoury A, Driguez P, Madelenat P. Traitement conservateur du cancer et des hyperplasies atypiques de l’endomètre.Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(5): 433-441.
  14. Yazbeck C. La fonction érotique après hystérectomie. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004; 32(1): 49-54.
  15. Yazbeck C, Poncelet C, Crequat J, Madelenat P. Intérêt de l’échographie endovaginale préopératoire dans l’évaluation de l’infiltration myométriale des adénocarcinomes de l’endomètre. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2003; 31(12): 1024-1029.
  16. Attieh E, Jaoude RA, Yazbeck C, Mansour F, Abboud J. Corrélations anatomo-cliniques de l’endométriose. Contracept Fertil Sex 1999; 27(12): 861-6.
  • Yazbeck C. (2013) Hystéroscopie opératoire section de cloison utérine. Dans : Mises A Jour En Gynécologie Obstétrique, CNGOF; Ed. Vigot – Paris ; pp 239-45.
  •    Le Tohic A, Chis C, Yazbeck C, Martin B, Renouvel F, Madelenat P, Panel P. (2012) Endométriose urétérale et vésicale. Dans : EMC Techniques chirurgicales – Gynécologie; Ed. Elsevier Masson SAS, Paris, 41-990.
  •    Madelenat P, Schemoul G, Juras J, Yazbeck C.(2011) Intérêts de l’hystérosalpingographie. Dans: Physiologie, Pathologie et Thérapie de la Reproduction chez l’Humain ;  Ed. Springer, Paris ; pp 209-24.
  • Yazbeck C. (2011) Manganese: Environmental exposure. In: Nriagu JO. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health; Ed. Elsevier – Burlington, volume 3, pp. 612–616.
  • Yazbeck C, Fauconnier A, Pouly JL. (2010) Indications et bonnes pratiques du traitement chirurgical de l’infertilité féminine. Recommandations pour la pratique clinique. Dans : Mises A Jour En Gynécologie Obstétrique, CNGOF; Ed. Vigot – Paris ; pp 695-8.
  • Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Omnes S, Batallan A, Madelenat P. (2007) Découverte d’une masse pelvienne à l’adolescence. Dans : Adolescente, Ado-naissante; Ed. ESKA ; pp 251-60.
  • Yazbeck C, Huel G. (2006) Health impact evaluation for Boron exposure. Dans : Proceedings of 3rd International Boron Symposium, BOREN ; Ed. TMMOB ; pp11-14.
  • Yazbeck C, Fauconnier A, Reyal F, Thoury A, Madelenat P.(2005) Algies pelvi-périnéales et endométriose profonde. Dans: Mises A Jour En Gynécologie Médicale, CNGOF ; Ed.  Vigot-Paris ; pp 83-97.
  • Yazbeck C, Madelenat P. (2005) Hystéroscopie et cytologie péritonéale dans le cancer de l’endomètre. Dans : Les Evénements de l’Année en Gynécologie Obstétrique; Edition ; Volume 6; Ed. ESKA; pp 281-3.
  • Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Rodrigues A, Madelenat P. (2004) Les troubles hémorragiques fonctionnels. Place du stérilet aux hormones. Dans: Mises A Jour En Gynécologie Médicale, CNGOF ; Ed Vigot-Paris ;  pp 75-85.
  • Yazbeck C, Thoury A, Madelenat P. (2002) Ménométrorragies: place du stérilet au lévonorgestrel. Dans : Mises A Jour En Gynécologie Médicale, CNGOF;  Ed Vigot-Paris ; pp 31-43.
  1. Yazbeck C. Pourquoi vouloir tout congeler. Genesis 2017 ; 195 : 21-22.
  2. Koskas M, Yazbeck C, Luton D, Madelenat P. Cancer et hyperplasies atypiques de l’endomètre : place du traitement conservateur. Gynecol Obstet Pratique 2012 ; 247:8-9.
  3. Oger P, Epelboin S, Viot G, Cohen-Scali S, Yazbeck C. Devenir des enfants issus de l’AMP. Gynecol Obstet Pratique 2012 ; 244:7-8.
  4. Yazbeck C, Koskas M, Chis C, Madelenat P, Luton D. Endométriome et infertilité : place de la sclérothérapie dans le traitement de l’endométriose ovarienne. Gynecol Obstet Pratique 2011 .
  5. Oger P, Epelboin S, Gout C, Kahn V, Cohen-Scali S, Yazbeck C. Quels protocoles proposer en fécondation in vitro ? Gynecol Obstet Pratique 2011 ; 231:10.
  6. Yazbeck C, Irani E, Koskas M, Madelenat P. Endométriome et infertilité: quel choix thérapeutique? La lettre du gynécologue 2010; 351:22-25.
  7. Lahmy-Deddouch O, Thoury A, Yazbeck C, Canistra C, Madelenat P. Endométriose inguinale invasive récidivante: A propos d’un cas. Pelvimag 2009; 65:5-8.
  8. Madelenat P, Koskas M, Yazbeck C, Le Tohic A. Les salpingites ont-elles disparues? Réflexions Gynécol Obstet 2008; 1(4): 163-65.
  9. Yazbeck C. Actualités Mirena® : tolérance, acceptabilité et satisfaction des patientes. La lettre du Gynécologue 2006 ; 314 : 26-29.
  10. Yazbeck C, Dhainaut C, Batallan A, Le Tohic A, Madelenat P. Le point sur l’hystérectomie coelioscopique. La lettre du gynécologue 2004 ; 296 :15-18.
  11. Yazbeck C, Thoury A, Madelenat P. Ménométrorragies: place du stérilet au lévonorgestrel. La lettre du gynécologue 2003;  281: 20-24.
  12. Excision versus drainage /coagulation des endométriomes ovariens: une méta-analyse Cochrane. La lettre du gynécologue N° 317 ; décembre 2006 : 8-9.
  13. Traitement hormonal substitutif (THS) et risque de survenue d’une incontinence urinaire (IU). La lettre du gynécologue N° 300 ; mars 2005 : 6-7.
  14. Morbidité et mortalité périnatale des grossesses (simples et gémellaires) issues d’une AMP par rapport aux grossesses spontanées. La lettre du gynécologue N° 295 ; octobre 2004 : 7.
  15. Prévention contre le VIH par des virucides par voie vaginale. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2004 ; 32 (7-8) : 638-45.
  16. Conduite à tenir devant une colonisation cervico-vaginale par actinomyces. Le journal faxé du gynécologue ; novembre 2004.