In the event of symptoms, patients are asked to wear a mask when coming to the doctor's surgery.
Dr. Yazbeck is a regular speaker and/or moderator at medical congresses, and has given over 200 oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences in the fields of gynecology, obstetrics, infertility and environmental toxicology.
Oral presentations at national and international conferences
- Imposing eSET in the right cases? 19th FFER, Issy 2014.
- Triggering with GnRH agonists. AGF, Beirut 2014.
- Estradiol programming. AGF, Beirut 2014.
- Uterine malformations. STED, Tunis 2014.
- Endometriosis: diagnosis and treatment. STED, Tunis 2014.
- Adenomyosis and infertility. JEM, Montpellier 2014.
- One-eyed uterine horn. 24th SGOP, Paris 2014.
- Risks of operative hysteroscopy. EPU Larib, Paris 2014.
- Update on the diagnosis and treatment of uterine septa. Specialists' evenings, CHRU Tours 2014.
- ICSI: the difficult cases. 29th JTA, Guadeloupe 2014.
- Oncofertility: gamete or germ tissue preservation. 29th JTA, Guadeloupe 2014.
- How to manage endometriomas. 29th JTA, Guadeloupe 2014.
- Surgical techniques: uterine septum surgery. 37th J. CNGOF, Paris 2013.
- Stimulation protocol based on ovarian reserve markers. FerringToday, Monaco 2013.
- Workshops on anovulation, ovarian reserve and OHSS prevention. LSOG, Beirut 2013.
- Endometriomas and infertility: trends in therapeutic management. LSOG, Beirut 2013.
- How to choose ART in endometriosis? (CC) ITproject, Paris 2013.
- Endometriomas: should they always be operated? 18th FFER, Rouen 2013.
- Medical treatment of endometriosis. Entretiens de Bichat, Paris 2013.
- Endometrial receptivity: molecular tools versus ultrasound. MSD Day, Paris 2013.
- What to do in case of endometrioma. Gyn Monaco 2013.
- Progesterone in the follicular phase: prognosis and thresholds. Gyn Monaco 2013.
- Endometriomas and ART. Grand Ouest, Nantes 2013.
- AMH, Inhibin B and PCOS. 13th Gyn Francophone Symposium, Beirut 2013.
- Stage IV endometriosis and IVF. 13th Gyn Francophones Symposium, Beirut 2013.
- Submucosal myomas and infertility: when and how to operate? 23rd SGOP, Paris 2013.
- Ovarian preservation and IVF: surgery, ethanol sclerotherapy. 4thAGO, Lille 2013.
- Endometriosis and infertility: should we really do without laparoscopy? J Jean Cohen, Paris 2012.
- The role of Anti-Mullerian Hormone in response prediction. MEFS, Dubai 2012.
- The role of GnRH agonists in preventing OHSS. MEFS, Dubai, 2012.
- Ethanol sclerotherapy of endometriotic cysts. 26th JPG, Tarbes 2012.
- What to do when faced with an ovarian cyst during ART? AECG-JCG, Paris 2012.
- Uterine synechiae: new etiologies. 17th FFER, Paris 2012.
- Ovarian surgery and fertility: Advantages of ethanol sclerotherapy. 21st ESGE, Paris 2012.
- Male infertility and the environment. Gyn2012, Monaco.
- Myomectomy for infertility: when? and how? Gyn2012, Monaco.
- DNA sperm fragmentation. H.Diaconesses, Paris 2012.
- Endometriomas: above all, preserve the ovarian reserve. CVG, Deauville 2012; H.Poissy 2012; H.Neuilly 2012; H.Diaconesses 2012.
- Conservative treatment of borderline ovarian tumours. 22nd SGOP, Paris 2012.
- Surgery and pregnancy: adnexal masses. 22nd SGOP, Paris 2012.
- Infertility surgery: what recommendations in 2012? 2ndCAMPES Conference, Tunis 2012.
- GnRH antagonists and endometrial receptivity. 27th JTA, Guadeloupe 2012.
- Embryo Transfer Workshop. 27th JTA, Guadeloupe 2012.
- Surgical management of the pelvic peritoneum. Role of anti-adhesion barriers. 35th J. CNGOF, Session JnGOF, Paris 2011.
- Difficult ovarian stimulations: poor responders and PCOS, which strategies? SAMP.PIL, Neuilly 2011
- Endometrial hyperplasia and infertility. 1st J Fertilité Est Parisien, Paris 2011.
- Uterine septum surgery: real indications. 9th Assises SFGP, Paris 2011.
- Place of MAR in the conservative treatment of the endometrium. 9th Assises SFGP, Paris 2011.
- Current treatment of lower genital infections. 25th JPG, Tarbes 2011.
- Surgical management of the pelvic peritoneum. Role of anti-adhesion barriers. 25th JPG, Tarbes 2011.
- A 5-year experience of ethanol sclerotherapy in recurrent ovarian endometriomas. 11th WCE, Montpellier 2011.
- Ethanol sclerotherapy: a treatment option for ovarian endometriomas before IVF. 11th WCE, Montpellier 2011.
- Distal tubal repair: is it a reasonable choice? FFER, Marseille 2011.
- Management of genito-urinary prolapse: should a sling be placed? Gyn2011, Monaco.
- How to limit multiple pregnancies in ART? 5thJPNP, Paris 2011.
- Contribution of 3D ultrasound in infertility: uterine malformations. Actualités en fertilité, Bichat, Paris 2011.
- What can a normal sperm count hide? 4th Infertility Update, Paris 2011.
- Reproductive surgery. Prise en charge du couple infertile, Poissy 2011.
- Which fertility assessment in a couple living with HIV? What role should ART play? COREVIH, Paris 2011.
- Endometriosis and infertility: EST in the treatment of ovarian endometriosis. 21st SGOP, Paris 2011.
- Surgery and infertility: uterine malformations. 21st SGOP, Paris 2011.
- Conservative surgery of borderline ovarian tumours and ovarian cancer. 1st J.HUG, Geneva 2011.
- Controlled ovarian stimulation: new developments in 2011. 26th JTA, Guadeloupe 2011.
- ART and female fertility preservation. 26th JTA, Guadeloupe 2011.
- Management of the infertile couple: reproductive surgery. 34th J. CNGOF, Paris 2010.
- Myomectomies: indications, approaches and risk management. JnGOF, Paris 2010.
- Contribution of double embryo transfer (D2+D5): progress or risk? SMR, Paris 2010.
- The two-step embryo transfer. 11th J. AMP H.Américain, Neuilly Sur Seine 2010.
- BOT: how to preserve fertility. 17thMiddle East Fertility Society, Damascus 2010.
- IMSI after IVF/ICSI failures.17thMiddle East Fertility Society, Damascus 2010.
- Ovarian function after salpingectomy. 17thMiddle East Fertility Society, Damascus 2010.
- Peritoneum and anti-adhesion barriers. 24th JPG, Tarbes 2010.
- Sparing fertility in ovarian cancer. 19thESGE, Barcelona 2010.
- Surgical management of the pelvic peritoneum, role of barriers. 14th International Symposium on Gynecological Endoscopic and Vaginal Surgery, Paris 2010.
- Maternal nutrition and heavy metal contamination. Results from the EDEN mother-child cohort. Mother and child nutrition, Paris 2010.
- Endometriosis and fertility. Alternatives to surgery. Choice of arms, Marseille 2010.
- Infertility of the couple: conduct of the first consultation. FMC-CHU Paris7, Paris 2010.
- Fertility preservation in borderline ovarian tumours. Events of the year 2010, Paris 2010.
- Salpingectomies and ovarian response. RPPN - Bichat, Paris 2010.
- Ovarian function after laparoscopic salpingectomy in infertile women undergoing IVF. 26th ESHRE, Rome 2010.
- Should recurrent endometriomas in infertile women be operated? 6th SCGP Congress, La Rochelle 2009.
- TOLM: Is pregnancy possible? And how? RPPN - Bichat, Paris 2009.
- TOLM: how to preserve fertility? 14th FFER, Clermont Ferrand 2009.
- How to manage endometrioma in the context of infertility and IVF. 14th FFER, Clermont Ferrand 2009.
- Role of 3D ultrasound in Essure monitoring. 23rd JPG, Tarbes 2009.
- Ovarian tumours at the limit of malignancy: What is the procreative future? 23rd JPG, Tarbes 2009.
- Place of anti-adhesion barriers in pelvic surgery for infertility. 23rd JPG, Tarbes 2009.
- Which patients not to operate: the particular problem of endometriomas. 2nd AEFCO Meeting, Versailles 2009.
- Ovarian endometriomas and deep endometriosis: current issues. 4thJFM, Marrakech 2009.
- What treatment for ovarian endometriomas? 110th French Congress of Surgery, Paris 2009.
- Desire for a child: ART. J. Association Française des Hémophiles, Paris 2008.
- Environmental exposure to lead and risk of gestational hypertension. 32nd J. CNGOF - JFROG Session, Paris 2008.
- OvarianDrilling : indications in 2008. RPPN - Bichat, Paris 2008.
- Advantages of the two-step embryo transfer strategy associated with extended blastocyst culture.24thESHRE, Lyon 2008.
- Lead poisoning in pregnant women: what screening, what management?RPPN - Bichat, Paris 2008.
- Andrological indications for ART at Bichat. Methods and results.2nd J. of Uro Gynaecology - Bichat, Paris 2008.
- Infertility and endometriosis. Which surgery for which benefit?Interactive Endometriosis Evening - Bichat, Paris 2008.
- MAR and precariousness. RPPN - Bichat, Paris 2007.
- Management of recurrent endometriomas with ethanol sclerotherapy before assisted reproductive technologies. 7thCongress of the European Society of Gynecology, Paris 2007.
- Drainage and sclerotherapy of endometriomas: results on fertility. 21st JPG, Tarbes 2007.
- Health Impact Evaluation of Boron Exposure. 3rdInternational Boron Symposium, Ankara 2006.
- Deleterious effects of surgery in infertility? The case of cystectomy for ovarian endometrioma. 11th FFER, Paris 2006.
- Lead exposure in pregnant women and newborns: results of a screening survey. 12th JFRN, Paris 2006.
- Medical management of functional uterine haemorrhage: place of Mirena® in the therapeutic strategy. 16th SGOP, Paris 2006.
- Mirena...A contraception but also a treatment. 8e Avancées en Gynécologie Obstétrique, Paris 2005.
- Is it still necessary to do "ovarian drilling"? 15th SGOP, Paris 2005.
- Ovarian response after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for endometriotic cysts. Women's Day - UNESCO, Paris 2005.
- Psychosexual consequences of hysterectomy. Hysterectomies 2004, Sèvres 2004.
- Ovarian response after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for endometriotic cysts. IFFS18thWorld Congress on Fertility & Sterility, Montreal 2004.
- Maternal and fetal lead poisoning. Meetings of the Louis Mourier Hospital, Colombes 2004.
- Health impact evaluation for Boron in drinking water (II). BOREMED3rdannual meeting, Italy 2004.
- Health impact evaluation for Boron in drinking water (I). BOREMED2ndannual meeting, Paris 2003.
- Menometrorrhagia: the place of the levonorgestrel IUD. La Femme Dans Sa Maturité, Marseille 2002; 26th J. CNGOF, Paris 2002; 23rd J. AFEM, Paris 2002.
- How to treat a pyosalpinx. Congress of the French Society of Laparoscopic Surgery, Paris 2002.
- Place of laparoscopy in the assessment of idiopathic infertility.Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut 2000.
Posters in national or international conferences
- IVF outcome in patients with surgically treated deep infiltrating endometriosis. ESHRE30th annual meeting, Munich
- Preoperative imaging in deep endometriosis: pelvic ultrasound, rectal endoscopy and MRI. 35th J. CNGOF, Session JnGOF, Paris 2011.
- IVF outcome after extensive versus conservative surgery for severe endometriosis. ESHRE25th annual meeting, Amsterdam 2009.
- Transient ovariopexy and severe endometriosis. 11th Parisian Days of Endoscopy, Surgery and Gynecology (JPECG), Paris 2008.
- Surgical treatment of prolapse of the4th age: Series of 43 patients. 11th Parisian Days of Endoscopy, Surgery and Gynecology (JPECG), Paris 2008.
- Interest of the transfer of a first embryo at D2 or D3 associated with the transfer of a second embryo at D5 or D6. 12th Days of the FFER, Amiens 2007.
- Outcome of ART in women infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV). 12th FFER Days, Amiens 2007.
- Is there an association between blood lead levels and pregnancy hypertension? 11th International Congress of Toxicology, Montreal
- Impact of infertility treatment in patients with previous history of borderline ovarian tumors : Results of a multicenter study. ASCO 42nd annual meeting, Atlanta 2006.
- Results of Medically Assisted Reproduction in women with hepatitis C virus. 10th FFER Days, Deauville 2005.
- Update on maternal and fetal lead exposure. International Colloquium 'Habitat Insalubrity and Health', La Plaine St Denis 2005.
- A case of spontaneous oocyte activation during ART. 9th Days of the FFER, Paris 2004. Human reproduction and hormones 2004; 17(HS1): P40.
- Relationships between erythrocyte calcium-pump activity and manganese levels in mothers and newborns. 16th annual meeting of ISEE, New York 2004.
- Ovarian response after laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy for endometriotic cysts. ESHRE20th annual meeting, Berlin 2004.
- Follicular response to ovarian stimulation after laparoscopic cystectomy for ovarian endometriomas (II). 22nd Days of Gynecology of Nice and the French Riviera, Nice 2004.
- Relationships between erythrocyte calcium-pump activity and manganese levels in mothers and newborns. SETAC Europe14th annual meeting, Prague 2004.
- The erotic function after hysterectomy. 34th AIHUS Seminar, Toulouse 2004.
- Follicular response to ovarian stimulation after laparoscopic cystectomy for ovarian endometriomas (I). 3rd French-speaking Days of Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Marseille 2003; 7th Parisian Days of Endoscopy, Surgery and Gynecology, Paris 2004.
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